We all know what it’s like to procrastinate. We have a task in front of us, and we literally do everything else just to avoid that one task. But when we procrastinate, we not only avoid our to-do lists, but we also set ourselves back and add even more stress and anxiety to our day. But why exactly do we procrastinate. And more importantly – how can we beat it?
Procrastination reason 1: I’m too distracted
There’s so much out there to distract us – especially when we want to procrastinate. All of a sudden, our emails become so interesting, and we just click on everything and anything. So, it’s time to turn off notifications, put your phone on airplane mode, close extra tabs and even find a place where you know you’ll be able to focus best.
Yes, there are distractions. And yes, there’s something you can do about it, too.
Procrastination reason 2: I don’t know where to start
When you have a difficult task ahead of you, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and even scared. But instead of freaking out over the whole project, just start small. You can do this by breaking down the entire project into manageable steps. Then, just start with one.
Procrastination reason 3: I don’t like this task
Sometimes we procrastinate because it’s just too hard (or too easy). But sometimes, we avoid projects because we simply don’t like them. But there’s no way to magically start liking a project.
The reason why this stumps us is because we resist the project, thinking that it should be likable. But one freeing way to beat this type of procrastination is to simply admit that the project doesn’t have to be cool or likable. And you don’t have to like it either.
And how empowering is it to know that you can tackle projects you don’t like, just as efficiently as the ones you do?