Since social media can change the appearance of just about everything, there can definitely be a letdown when we see well-known locations IRL. It just doesn’t look the same and it can feel disappointing. In fact, in the world of social media, any type of comparison, for better or for worse, is linked to depressive symptoms.

However, there are ways to make the present moment just as colorful as any Instagram feed.

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We all experience stress regularly. (And if you don’t, can you tell us your secret?) To make it through our stressful days, we all have some type of coping mechanism. For some, that’s exercise, for others, meditation. Sometimes, the best approach is to let it out and vent to a friend, or scribble in your journal. But sometimes stress gets the better of us, and instead of healthy coping skills, we resort to bad habits that make stressful situations even worse. Here are five of them.

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