Night owls get a bad rap. They’re seen as lazy and unmotivated, but that’s definitely not the case. Instead, the body’s internal clock and genetics play a huge role in determining whether you’re an early bird or a night owl. 

Nonetheless, night owls are forced to keep up with early risers, and this puts them at risk for being more sleep deprived than others. So, here’s what you need to know about night owls and why it’s time to stop shaming them.

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Suicide rates are a growing epidemic throughout the US. Just last week, the world lost two incredible artists: designer, Kate Spade, and author and travel documentarian, Anthony Bourdain. While suicide is a complex issue, with many contributing factors, researchers have identified a relationship between poor sleep and suicidal thoughts. And their findings highlight just how important sleep is for those struggling with suicidal ideation.

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