People usually say chocolate is their “guilty pleasure”, but it’s time to talk about chocolate without any shame or guilt. Dark chocolate is loaded with tons of amazing health benefits. So, instead of feeling guilty about your dark chocolate cravings, here’s why you should eat dark chocolate.

Dark chocolate lowers inflammation

Inflammation, especially chronic inflammation, can wreak havoc throughout your body. In fact, chronic inflammation is considered to be the root cause of many diseases and disorders, including heart disease.

We can experience inflammation throughout the body due to several different factors, including a poor diet and lots of stress.There are many foods to reduce inflammation, and believe it or not, chocolate is one of them. The cocoa which makes up dark chocolate reduces inflammation, especially when it comes to the cardiovascular system.

Dark chocolate supports a healthy heart

The cocoa in dark chocolate is such a potent food that the Harvard Medical School shares that “a steady stream of studies [have] given cocoa and dark chocolate high marks for cardiovascular benefits, including improvements in cholesterol levels, blood pressure, blood clotting, coronary artery function, and insulin sensitivity.”

Why is that? The naturally occurring antioxidants, called flavonoids, are what help to support a healthy cardiovascular system.

Dark chocolate tips

With so many health benefits, there’s no reason to call chocolate a “guilty pleasure” anymore. And you can tap into these chocolate-y benefits, too. Just be sure to avoid chocolates loaded with milk and sugar. Instead, opt for high-quality dark chocolate that’s free of sugar, dairy, soy and other additives.

When’s the last time you went dancing? Maybe it was a childhood ballet class. Or, maybe a cringe-worthy moment at the club, or an awkward prom situation. Regardless of what your current relationship with dancing is, one thing’s for sure: it’s time to put your dancing shoes on. That’s because research has some pretty powerful things to say about this fun activity. Shall we?

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