If you’ve spent time traveling over the holiday season, you know how tight security can be. It seems like your ticket is checked over and over again. And despite the increase in airport security, mishaps still happen as model Chrissy Tiegen discovered on her recent trip from Los Angeles to Tokyo. Or, shall we say from Los Angeles to Los Angeles. She tweeted that it was a “flight to nowhere” and here’s what we can all learn from Tiegen’s strange flight.
According to authorities, a passenger with a ticket for another airline managed to board Teigen’s flight to Tokyo. After flying for four hours, the flight had to return to Los Angeles, where the passenger exited the plane according to security procedures.
We could focus on the lack of security and question the reliability of airport security. But let’s talk about what every single one of us can learn from this strange flight:
Pack snacks! Whenever you travel, you never really know what’s going to happen. You have to put into count flight delays, flight detours, and crazy breaches in security like this. And no one wants to be hungry – or hangry – when things go wrong.
Tiegen was served a bowl of microwaved ramen noodles during her 8-hour fight to and from Los Angeles. And that just doesn’t sound very satisfying.
So, whenever you fly, always pack some healthy snacks to keep you fueled and well-fed no matter what. Airplane-friendly foods like granola bars, protein bars, dried fruit and nuts are all good choices. And worse case scenario, you don’t need them and you have back-up snacks for the rest of your trip.