We all experience stress regularly. (And if you don’t, can you tell us your secret?) To make it through our stressful days, we all have some type of coping mechanism. For some, that’s exercise, for others, meditation. Sometimes, the best approach is to let it out and vent to a friend, or scribble in your journal. But sometimes stress gets the better of us, and instead of healthy coping skills, we resort to bad habits that make stressful situations even worse. Here are five of them.

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Cell phones are essential. But that blue light shining on your skin? Not so much. That’s because research is finding that screens – like your cell phone – emit blue light and this can lead to skin aging – and fast! So, even though we’re all focused on avoiding the sun and wearing sunscreen, it’s time to think about cell phone use and how it can damage skin, too.

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