It’s hard to believe that Casey Ho doesn’t want to work out. After all, she’s the energetic founder of Blogilates, her Pilates fitness site, as well as her apparel brand, PopFlex. This girl is go, go, go! But in a recent video on her YouTube channel – which has close to 4 million subscribers – Casey shared that she isn’t always motivated to exercise. That’s where her motivation hacks come in handy, and they can probably help you get out of your fitness rut, too. 

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Now that sweater weather is in full swing, you’re probably wearing your cozy pullovers 24/7. The only problem is that all this wear is starting to make your tops look a bit dowdy. You know-  all those little pills popping up all over your garment. It makes you look sloppy and unkempt, and it’s definitely not a professional look at the office. But don’t toss your sweaters just yet. With a small investment, you can make your sweaters look good as new with Phillips Fabric Shaver.

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