5 amazing health benefits of Himalayan salt lamps

Himalayan salt lamps are more than just a cool looking light fixture to give your room a pink, warm glow. These salt lamps are made with actual blocks of age-old salt from the earth’s primal sea. But apart from their cool appearance and history, why do people use Himalayan salt lamps? Turns out, these lamps offer a wide range of health benefits, and here are just five of them.

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No matter how many articles you read about the benefits of exercise, cardio and breaking a sweat, you just can’t get motivated to exercise. Luckily for you, you can still burn calories without a gym membership. What’s more, they’re actually enjoyable activities, which is more than you can say for crunches, push ups and burpees. Read on to find out 3 best ways to slim down everyday without even trying to exercise.

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