There’s nothing like a clean home. You get rid of the guck and grime and replace it with sparkling surfaces and fresh scents. But the truth is, most cleaning products are toxic. And instead of making your home clean and safe, you actually expose yourself to more toxins. And if the neat freak inside you is, well, freaking out – don’t worry. Here are five non-toxic home cleaning products that are safe for health and home.
There are so many cool foods to choose at the grocery store, but let’s face it. Most of the time, we just go with the same old standbys. Maybe you don’t have time to experiment. Or, maybe you’re not very adventurous in the kitchen. Whatever the case may be, a diet rut is no fun and it can even be unhealthy for you. So, to get out of your diet rut and have fun with food again, check out these four tips.