A woman’s menstrual cycle is already a painful affair. From cramping, to bloating, to fatigue and so much more, this time of the month is very uncomfortable. And unfortunately, the menstrual products women use can often ascorbate their symptoms, instead of making them feel better. But this new menstrual disc from Flex might be the solution for you.
Doctors have found a clear link between vaginal pH and infections; but how does that affect the period products we use?
The normally acidic vaginal pH may become more alkaline during your period due to blood traveling through the vaginal canal. Our bodies are able to handle a certain level of pH fluctuation, but the period products we use could be contributing to an elevated pH. For example, tampons absorb and retain not only your menses but other essential fluid that your body needs to maintain a healthy pH. When the pH is elevated, some women can develop bacterial vaginosis and experience symptoms such as odor, itching, and irritation often associated with yeast infections..
Many women are now seeking alternatives to conventional period products and making the switch to menstrual cups or discs, such as FLEX.
Both menstrual discs and cups do not alter the natural environment of the vagina because they are made of medical grade materials that do not absorb menses leaving you feeling fresh and infection free.